Today we're going to learn about 20 signs of extreme intelligence. Now let's begin!

1.      A strong identity

A strong identity

 Are you a confident person? most people don't think confidence and intelligence are related but people with extreme intelligence are secure in who they are hyper-intelligent people know their strengths as well as they know their weaknesses, their perceptive and they make thoughtful choices. Now each of these traits is valuable on its own but together these intellectual skills give you a well-defined sense of identity and the confidence to be yourself.

2.      Lifelong goals

Lifelong goals

  Some people coast through life they're happy without goals or lofty ambitions but hyper-intelligent people have too many passions, hobbies and interests to sit idly by if you have extreme intelligence you're an avid goal setter. You take the time to write down your goals and you plan to make those goals a reality because you have no interest in coasting you want to put your brain to good use even if your goals change a thousand times. Extremely intelligent people are always chasing something.

3.       Keeping the peace

Keeping the peace

Are you the last person to get angry? Do you find yourself resolving fights you had nothing to do with? Intelligent people are peacekeepers they're adept at controlling their emotions so they can stay calm when others are flying off the handle. Intelligent people are also perceptive at reading body language and analysing difficult situations. They make an effort to understand both sides then when they've got a handle on the situation they find ways to compromise and move on.

4.          Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition

 Do you have an eye for patterns? Pattern recognition is a reliable sign of intelligence but pattern recognition can manifest in many different ways. some people notice physical patterns take for example the branches and leaves on a tree, most people look at a tree and they see nothing special but you see something much more intricate natural objects are filled with fascinating biological patterns just like paintings, buildings and other works of art.  Not all patterns are physical some hyper-intelligent people notice patterns in language, information and history. If you excel at recognizing patterns your powerful brain can shift perspectives and make profound connections. You can understand concepts as a whole and then seconds later you can zoom in on tiny individual pieces. This is a rare talent held by only the most intelligent people so if it sounds familiar you may be one of them.

5.      Advanced dexterity

Advanced dexterity

 Are you naturally athletic? Physical intelligence is a valuable cognitive skill. Coordination, balance and muscle memory demand significant amounts of brain power. If you're naturally athletic you've developed above average motor control and kinaesthetic memory. People like to contrast between brains and brawn but the truth is many intelligent people excel in both categories .

6.     Expressive control

Expressive control

 It's not easy to express your emotions; you may struggle to be vulnerable with others. You stuff your emotions down as far as you can when you finally open up to someone your walls come tumbling down and all of a sudden you start spilling your emotions left and right. But intelligent people stay in control they know when to hide their feelings and when to be vulnerable. It requires a lot of self-discipline but extremely intelligent people have self-discipline in states.

7.     Controlled clutter

Controlled clutter

Some studies claims that organized people are the most intelligent. On average organized people are more disciplined, focused and productive but other studies claim messy people have the highest intellect, clutter breeds creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, a messy desk for example frees your mind from everyday ruts and boundaries. So who's really the most intelligent? The answer is somewhere in the middle the most intelligent people have controlled clutter they don't live in hyper-organized environments and they aren't incredibly messy either in general. These people keep their living spaces clean but once they get excited about a project and they aren't afraid to make a mess .

8.  Hourly intellect

Hourly intellect

Organization isn't the only daily habit influenced by your brain power. Dozens of studies have investigated the role of your sleep cycle on productivity, creativity and intelligence. Early risers tend to be the most productive and motivated of the bunch but late sleepers are more passionate and creative. Each one has strengths and each one has weaknesses, ultimately it doesn't matter if you're an early bird or a night owl. If you play to your strengths, any sleep schedule can be a sign of extreme intelligence.

9.  Scattered concentration

Scattered concentration

 Do you have a hard time focusing on things you don't like? Intelligent people have a lot of interests and when they're excited about a subject their concentration is unmatched but if they're not interested, it's almost impossible to keep them focused .

10.  Competitive games

Competitive games

Do you like to play games? Intelligent people are naturally competitive they're drawn to physical and mental games because they like to challenge their brains in new ways whether it's a memory game, a puzzle or a physical sport, intelligent people are always up for a game and they'll always play to win. 

11.      Valuable solitude

Valuable solitude

 Extremely smart people like to be alone they have a lot on their minds, so they need time and space to explore their passions and interests. For a hyper intelligent person their own company is plenty; they have discussions and arguments with themselves they dive deep into subjects that fascinate them and they dedicate large chunks of time to their intellectual growth. Now that doesn't mean smart people are anti-social they like to spend time with friends and family just like anyone else but they value their solitude more than most. 

12.     Rejecting superstition

Rejecting superstition

 Intelligent people are not very superstitious. They're quick to reject things which they can't understand scientifically. They may not believe in superstition but that doesn't mean they're not interested a surprising amount of intelligent people are fascinated by strange subjects; Things like paranormal phenomenon, alien invasions and ancient conspiracies. Many intelligent people are attracted to the most unexplainable mysteries even if they don't believe in them. 

13.  Explorative arguments

Explorative arguments

Most of the time arguments are frustrating. The average person argues just to get their point. Across they don't want to listen they want to be right, so they don't really care what you're trying to say but intelligent people have different priorities. When a smart person argues they want to explore the argument from all angles, they'll play both sides, they'll challenge their own opinions, and they’ll ask great questions. No matter whose side they think is right arguing with someone, who's hyper-intelligent is very different than arguing with most people it may feel more like a conversation than an actual argument that's because intelligent people don't get hung up on who's right and who's wrong they just want to learn.

14.  Natural persuasion

Natural persuasion

Intelligent people know how to get their way. They're not manipulative but they can be very persuasive when they're arguing for something. For example they can change almost anyone's mind if they want. That's because they know how to read and understand people, they know how people think, and they know what people want to hear so they can tailor their arguments to sell anyone on anything. 

15.     Creative innovation

Creative innovation

 Do you draw, write or play music in your spare time? Most creative people are highly intelligent; they use creative hobbies as an outlet for their innovative thoughts by accessing diverse mediums. Many intellectuals challenge themselves to see the world differently. For example, let's say you excel in logical scientific subjects, you may paint in your free time because painting inspires you in a very different way .

16.  Selective memories

Selective memories

 Extremely intelligent people have impressive memories but they also forget the most obvious things. If you're an intelligent person simple ideas might slip your mind on a daily basis yet you're able to rattle off complex concepts like it's nothing, that's because smart people have selective memories. In other words, they remember only what they want to remember, you remember what you're excited and passionate about but you may forget insignificant things like a grocery list or a phone number.

17.  Artistic daydreams

Artistic daydreams

 Intelligent people are notorious daydreamers, they get lost in their vivid imaginations easier than anyone else. Most of the time they'd rather engage with their own thoughts than the outside world, it's not uncommon for intelligent people to turn these daydreams into concrete ideas many intelligent people write books and create images to capture their daydreams and express them to the world.

18.    Ample motivation

Ample motivation

Are you a motivated person? Intelligent people don't just succeed naturally they're always searching for new ways to motivate and inspire themselves. It takes time to understand what motivates you . You have to reflect on your story and analyse why you do the things you do but intelligent people identify their motivations and they work every day to discover new ones  because the smartest people are always looking for new ways to grow and create. 

19.      Left side intelligence

Left hand intelligence

Are you left-handed or right-handed? While right-handers are significantly more common, a 1995 study concludes that left-handed people have a small intellectual edge. On average left-handed people are more creative and free-thinking than right-handed people but it gets even more interesting the more you favours your left hand the more creative you are. In other words ambidextrous people are on average less intelligent than people who are left hand dominant.

20.      The easy road

The easy road

 If you're an intelligent person life may feel like a pretty easy road. You don't struggle nearly as much as other people because natural intelligence has given you a real world advantage. A lot of smart people get lazy because they don't have to try as hard to live a normal life but if you're extremely intelligent you're not satisfied with the easy road you're always looking for new adventures because nothing gets you excited like a puzzle or a challenge.

Are you intelligent? If yes , let me know in comments below and tell me which qualities you already have out of these 20.

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